Sunday 4 May 2008

What London's In For: A New Mayor and a Newish Fascism

Nafeez Ahmed

Racism is insidious. It has a new face. The face of Anti-Racism.

Years ago, recognising the importance of Political Correctness and exploiting the anxiety generated by 9/11, the fascist BNP cunningly reinvented itself as entirely Non-Racist. In doing so, it focused its efforts less on the idea of carting off black communities and ethnic minorities "back home", than on the supposedly rapidly inter-breeding alien Muslim communities invading "our country."

Increasingly, these ideas have crept into the mainstream political spectrum. Although the failings and inadequacies of the British, European and global political economy are rooted in its structural inequalities, immigration takes the blame for the problem of unemployment. Although al-Qaeda terrorism is a marginal phenomenon relative to the global Muslim community, covertly financed even now by Britain's own diplomatic and financial allies in the Middle East and Central Asia (e.g. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan), Muslim communities are increasingly criminalised wholesale as inherently backward, anti-modern, and excited by medieval anti-female violence. Thus, multiculturalism is recognised as a huge mistake. Difference should never have been tolerated – it needs now to be concertedly dissolved into a homogenous culture, the norms and values of which are defined by an implicit ideology of 'blood and soil' – 'we are the white indigenous population, our skin evidencing our purity of bloodline, our pristine ancestry, tied to our native soil; and thus you aliens coming into our land need to conform to our ways.'

Suddenly, there is an 'us' and a 'them', irreconcilable, except by the latter's absorption into the 'us'. Cultures are viewed as discrete entities tied to biologically distinctive racial groups. Racism, and racial war fought as a clash of civilisations, is viewed as a natural, inevitable dynamic of the neo-Darwinian human condition – regrettable, perhaps marginally tameable, but nevertheless entirely natural, and thus understandable. The real signifier, then, of difference is no longer biology as such, but culture. Cultural difference implies bio-territorial incompability.

Social cohesion, then, can only be achieved through a process of purification. Cleansing the soil of alien additives by converting them into 'good citizens' who are no longer culturally different.

This is a new form of fascism, different from the old, blatant, Nazified manifestation, primarily due to its recognition that it cannot allow its face to be seen. While denouncing the piece of cloth a Muslim woman might wear on her head (yet strangely uninterested by the pieces of cloth sometimes worn by Jews and Sikhs), it hides beneath its own veil, the veil of 'freedom'. It hides so well that it no longer even recognises its own reflection:

'We want you to be free. Free to conform to our ways. For we are Modern, the New.'

Freedom is now defined not by the individuals right to be as they wish to be. It is defined by a bio-territorial mass, dissent against which is viewed as a dangerous form of subversion, a national security threat, justifying further sanctions against freedom, ridicule, humiliation, incarceration, until the source of subversion submits.

Boris Johnson is here to stay.

And here's some of what he's already had to say.

Of course, he denies that he is racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic. And he may well even believe this, genuinely.

But the new racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia is defined fundamentally by its new chameleon visage, its extraordinary ability to shape-shift at any moment and appear as its exact opposite. Here we have instances of Boris being an anti-colonialist, an anti-racist, and an anti-terrorist. Yet it is in these very instances that he reveals himself for what he is.

"What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies; and one can imagine that Blair, twice victor abroad but enmired at home, is similarly seduced by foreign politeness. They say [Tony Blair] is shortly off to the Congo . No doubt the AK47s will fall silent, and the pangas will stop their hacking of human flesh, and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief touch down in his big white British taxpayer-funded bird." [Telegraph (10/01/2002)]

"Like much of western Europe, Britain faces a demographic quandary. In the words of a recent UN interview the populations of EU countries are 'melting like snow in the sun'… No one knows whether this is caused by the fecklessness of the modern British male, or by women's liberation; or whether it is because divorce has become too easy." [Boris Johnson, Lend Me Your Ears (London: HarperPerrenial, June 2004) p. 395]

So is Boris worried about the White Race, the increasing ability of Browns and Blacks to reproduce themselves and perhaps outnumber Us?

"When I shamble round the park in my running gear late at night, and I come across that bunch of black kids, shrieking in the spooky corner by the disused gents, I would love to pretend that I don't turn a hair. Now you might tell me not to be such a wuss. You might say that I am at no more risk than if I had come across a bunch of winos. But somehow or other a little beeper goes off in my brain… You might tell me that when they shout their cheery catcalls, I should smile and wave. And, you know, maybe a big girl's blouse like me would break into an equally rapid lollop if it were a gang of white kids. Quite possibly. The trouble is, I'm not sure. I cannot rule out that I have suffered from a tiny fit of prejudice. I have prejudged this group on the basis of press reports, possibly in right-wing newspapers, about the greater likelihood of being mugged by young black males than by any other group. And if that is racial prejudice, then I am guilty. And so are you, baby. So are we all. If there is anyone reading this who has never experienced the same disgraceful reflex, then - well, I just don't believe you. It is common ground among both right-wingers and left-wingers that racism is 'natural', in that it seems to arise organically, in all civilisations. It is as natural as sewage. We all agree that it is disgusting, a byproduct of humanity's imperfect evolution. The question is, what to do with the effluent?" [Guardian (21/02/2000)]

Well thanks for the admission, but Boris, you're not absolving yourself by insinuating that everyone feels the same way you do, nor that how you feel is actually an unfortunate byproduct of 'nature'.

"... too many Britons have absolutely no sense of allegiance to this country or its institutions. It is a cultural calamity that will take decades to reverse, and we must begin now with what I call in this morning's Spectator the re-Britannification of Britain. That means insisting, in a way that is cheery and polite, on certain values that we identify as British. If that means the end of spouting hate in mosques, and treating women as second-class citizens, then so be it. We need to acculturate the second-generation Muslim communities to our way of life." [Telegraph (14/06/2005)]

I'm a second generation Muslim. Come and acculturate me. Please. I had no idea that my kind spouts hate in mosques (yes, the Finsbury Park mosque is not "all mosques") or that we treat our wives, daughters, mother, sisters and generally any females we meet as second-class citizens. I'll ignore for now that marginalising a woman for wearing a cloth on her head puts her in second-class. I'd really like to understand what you mean Boris, whether, indeed, there is any meaning at all behind this notion, and any real research or understanding behind it. How many mosques have you visited Boris? Or are you still believing that fraudulent nonsense put out by the right-wingers at Policy Exchange exposed by the lefty liberals on BBC Newsnight? You say we should identify our British values. I agree. But can we try to get beyond the banal tautology that British values mean fighting those barbaric second-generation Muslims who hate our values?

"We've all got to be as British as Carry On films and scotch eggs and falling over on the beach while trying to change into your swimming trunks with a towel on. We should all feel the same mysterious pang at the sight of the Queen. We do indeed need to inculcate this Britishness, especially into young Muslims.... We should teach British history. We should think again about the jilbab, with the signals of apartness that it sends out, and we should probably scrap faith schools. We should forbid the imams from preaching sermons in anything but English; because if you want to build a society where everyone feels included, and where everyone shares in the national story, we cannot continue with the multicultural apartheid." [Telegraph (04/08/2005)]

Right. So if I'm not entirely impressed by the Carry On films, don't eat pork, have a conception of modesty than doesn't involve running naked on the beach, wonder what the big deal is about a monarchy that swallows taxpayer's money due to dubious historical reasons, then I'm bordering on typically Islamist treason? I guess I'm just not sharing in "the national story" – or maybe the Etonian Boris version of it.

But perhaps it's too much to expect an educated Etonian to understand what really lies behind social exclusion, the segregation and marginalisation of both white and non-white communities in this country, the structural violence, institutional racism and class inequality that hits at the majority of the British people, Muslim and non-Muslim. Far easier to focus on the bogeyman of "multicultural apartheid", get Us to hate Them, so that the system itself can avoid uncomfortable scrutiny.

I'm sure an eager Boris fan will find many ways of interpreting such statements in the most angelically benign fashion possible. Thank our lucky stars we've got the BNP to remind us! For the BNP, Boris should be brought in as their preferred second candidate, because "a second choice vote for him gives you the chance to vote BNP as your first preference and still vote to get Livingstone out of office". Boris Johnson as Mayor would "be an improvement for the majority of Londoners." Oh yes, the majority of Londoners. You mean, "the White Race majority", don't you, my dear friendly fascists?

Boris clearly feels more comfortable airing his rather filthy laundry when it concerns Muslims, who aren't recognised as an ethnic minority and thus receive less protection than other ethnic minorities. Thus, Boris feels on firmer ground, more confident, when dealing with us subversive brown folks with our medieval beards and scarves, psychotic penchant for honour killing, and rampant obsession with imposing Shariah Law-defined Caliphate dynasties on England, by which to generally repress, murder and subjugate. No need for him to mince words. He jumps right in to mincing Muslims.

"To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victims mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim. The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam's mediaeval ass?"
[Spectator (16/07/2005)]

If you really feel like getting "18th century" on someone's ass, try your own, Boris, but please, I beg you, stay the hell away from mine.

And from the same piece: "The Islamicists last week horribly and irrefutably asserted the supreme importance of that faith, overriding all worldly considerations, and it will take a huge effort of courage and skill to win round the many thousands of British Muslims who are in a similar state of alienation, and to make them see that their faith must be compatible with British values and with loyalty to Britain. That means disposing of the first taboo, and accepting that the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."

"The proposed ban on incitement to 'religious hatred' makes no sense unless it involves a ban on the Koran itself.... Militant Islam has been shielded from proper discussion by cowardice, political correctness and a racist assumption that we should privilege the beliefs of a minority, even when they appear to be mediaeval." [Telegraph (21/07/2005)]

So Islam is the problem, the "Koran" should be banned, and the Muslim minority's beliefs are "mediaeval."

So let's fast forward to the present. What are you telling voters now, Boris? Islam is a "religion of peace". Militants take stuff "out of context." We don't need to ban the "Koran". It's not the whole Muslim minority community who believe this dastardly evil stuff supporting terrorism. Hmm. Somewhat off-key from your previous statements, Boris. So here we have a case of lying as part of your political campaign. Shouldn't this be illegal in a democracy? No, I guess, not when democracy is already half-dead. Rather like Boris' pathetic Etonian excuse for a brain.

Boris Johnson's coming victory is a significant blow to our weakened democratic institutions in this country, and proves that those who wish to protect human and civil rights need to revitalise, somehow, their traditional defunct strategies. Those strategies are failing precisely because they issue forth from a serious failure to understand the interconnected systemic dynamic of the intensifying social, political, economic and ideological crises our societies are facing. We don't understand the insidious nature of the new racism. We don't even recognise it as racist. In fact, some of us think it's a wonderful step toward what Boris calls "re-Britannification" - the first time I've seen a term used regularly by Hitler and Himmler (the idea of "Germanisation") appropriated and re-applied in a modern European context.

This is a wake up to civil society, that it needs to re-think its modus operandi and in particular its entire sociological vision. Unless we do so, and fast, the post-Boris era will be even worse than the one round the corner.

Saturday 19 April 2008


'Your remedy is within you, but you do not sense it. Your sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it. You presume you are a small entity, but within you is enfolded the entire Universe. You are indeed the Evident Book, by whose alphabet the Hidden becomes Manifest. Therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself. What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.’

Imam Ali (A.S)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson - A Return to Love

Wednesday 16 April 2008

The Promised Land

The Pursuit of Happyness

I watched a film the other day, one that really made me think. It was called the Pursuit of Happyness.

The Pursuit of Happyness features Will Smith as Chris Gardener, a man who has no money at all, and his son, Christopher. The storyline is pretty simple: Gardener is unhappy about his life situation, the film shows how he struggles and gets through it till finally he becomes a stockbroker (without any education), something he believes will make him happy, and it certainly seems to in the film.

But to me, Christopher was a far better example of happiness than Gardener himself. At one point in the story when Gardener finally falls into some money – enough to pay for a hotel room to sleep in, Christopher asks his father if they can go sleep in the bathroom of the train station again, because he thought it was fun. Gardener had to become a stockbroker to be happy, Christopher was happy as a tramp.

It highlights a massive misconception in our lives. Happiness is not found in anything except ourselves. A man who pursues happiness will pursue it forever. A man who is content will always be happy. A great lesson can be learnt from this. Rather than falling into the mindset that happiness can be found in certain things, choose to believe that we can put happiness into anything and everything.

God was seldom mentioned in the film, allow me to mention Him here. He is our ultimate source of Happiness – everlasting, everliving. Whatever my life situation, whatever occurs, One thing is consistent – Allah is present and in control. And as long as that is the case, how can I be unhappy?

Let us learn from Christopher, who was happy sleeping in the bathroom. Why was he happy? Because no one told him he shouldn’t be happy with the bathroom floor as a bed. Well when someone told me, why did I believe him? For if I didn’t, I would be happy too. If that is a result of inexperience and childishness, then let me be an inexperienced child forever.

Think about the blessings that surround you.

Be happy.

Monday 18 February 2008

Real Knowledge (Part 2)

The answer to my questions is found where the answers to all questions are found – with the family of the Holy prophet. In the famous hadith of Unwan Al-Basri (see Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (AS) says:

“Knowledge is not acquired through learning. Rather it is a light that illuminates in the heart of one who wants Allah (swt) to guide him. So if you want knowledge, first seek out true servitude (to Allah (swt)) within yourself. And seek knowledge according to its use (ie: what you can act upon) and ask Allah (swt) to make you understand, and He’ll make you understand”

1) Seek knowledge for the right reasons. Allah is the source of all knowledge. In fact, everything I know, I know because He wants me to know. The fact that you are reading this is down to Him, He has guided you to it and hence you should thank Him. If we seek knowledge in order to serve Him, He will guide us to true knowledge.

2) Seek useful knowledge. In the du’a we generally perform after the Asr prayers, we seek refuge from ‘knowledge which has no benefit’. If we are sincere in our quest for knowledge, we should be seeking knowledge we can act upon. To that effect, the famous hadith:
“One who acts on what he knows, Allah will teach him that which he does not know”. So really to acquire knowledge we simply have to act on the knowledge we have and Allah himself promises to guide us if we do this.

3) Be disloyal. One cannot be loyal to any ideology. To identify ourselves with any mindset is dangerous – If I consider myself liberal, I have naturally closed myself off to any conservative ideas.
How often do we find when trying to explain something we are stonewalled by once who cannot accept that his lifelong belief is wrong. A simple example – one that I myself have encountered many times – is that of music. Most people have an opinion; few have knowledge of the rulings surrounding it. And yet, play a music track to someone who has little knowledge of the rulings and they will be quick to tell you whether they consider it Halal or Haram. Rationally, it may be simple to disprove them, but it will never be easy for them to accept it. Because they are loyal to the belief they have had their whole life.

4) Be humble. No matter how convinced we may be that we have finally reached a conclusion and our belief is correct, we must have humility in that we can never be certain. Imagine if everyone had this sort of humility – If we were able to accept that we may actually be wrong, to listen with an open mind and an open heart and to accept facts based on their rational deductions as opposed to how far they are from our current beliefs. This sort of humility opens a million doors.

It should be noted that these points are simply my disjointed thoughts and hence probably have many flaws! Comments are more than welcome! May Allah help us in our quest for true knowledge

Real Knowledge (Part 1)

Is there even any such thing? And if there is, how do you know?

I am a Shia Muslim and to many, this in itself is irrational. Belief in God? Not many can say that's rational. And yet, who can say it's wrong? I was born a Shia Muslim, but I also journeyed to the belief. I've been through the notions, rationalised my every core belief. I could walk you through each logical conclusion, step-by-step, beginning with only the simple premise that Existence Exists. But the question I pose to myself now is this. If there was a flaw in my logic, would I spot it?

With this random train of thought, I’m focusing mainly on differences we have when it comes to religious or traditional issues. Why is it that families rarely differ in their stance on any issue? It’s a rare occurrence to have father oppose his son, or wife oppose husband in any viewpoint. Take it a step further – how often does a man who is born into a religion convert? How are nations able to maintain their religious stance? Shouldn’t people all come to different conclusions? If not, how come there are many religions in the world?

The answer seems simple. The upbringing of a person shapes their thoughts until they are entrenched to the extent that they seem logical. But are they logical? And how do we purify them? How do I know I don’t believe in this just because of the way I’m brought up?

To Be Continued…

The Iranian Shopkeeper

The shop I stopped to buy eggs at would not have looked out of place in Iran. A massive Iranian signboard, shopkeepers speaking in rapid Farsi, Iranian goods for sale and Iranian customers. Strangely, it didn't look too out of place in Harrow either! I parked outside and asked my sister to go in and pick up the eggs. She went in, tried to lift a tray and dropped two more in the process.
What were amazing were the reactions. Two people saw the whole thing – The shopkeeper and I. I had nothing to complain about, accidents happen, eggs are cheap, no big deal. The shopkeeper on the other hand, had a massive mess in his shop - the egg was already leaking into the freezers.

Strangely, the reactions were contrary to this. As I sighed heavily, switched off the car and began walking into the shop ready to complain to my sister about her clumsiness, the shopkeeper simply smiled, picked up a cloth and reassured my sister with some kind words as he began to mop up. Better still, he refused to take a penny for the broken eggs, charging us only for the eggs we took home.

As I drove home, I felt like an idiot. I will never forget that Iranian shopkeeper because of that one simple act of kindness. How many acts like that do I perform on a daily basis? In fact, how many acts like that do I perform at all? Already in my eyes, that shopkeeper has an honourable reputation. Do people know me as a kind person, or am I simply an average Joe? What does that shopkeeper have that I don’t?

I’ve heard it a thousand times from the preachers on the pulpit and never once has it sunk in. They tell us again and again that we should be known in our societies to be the best of people. A Muslim should be known from the way he interacts, his manner, his characteristics. Every time I hear it, the same thought crosses my head – If I become a better person, will I be able to change the image of Muslims around the world? But then if a man who knew nothing of Iranians except what he saw on the news had been in the shop that day, what would he have thought?